Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Crushed and Shattered

Sometimes I wonder how would like be if I was to have had another life. Recently, or rather yesterday I saw a perfect life shatter and crushed into millions of pieces in a single second. How could this happen you might ask?

Simple...... a lie, an action, a decision, a word, a feeling, a temptation or maybe a thought. Sometimes we never thought our actions could be hurting to others, but sadly... everything has its consequences. We all know the story of Humpty Dumpty.

Sitting on the wall, tell us the story that in life we walk in a very narrow road, if we are not careful, we will fall off it. If you're lucky, you will end up on gardens of grass or flowers, breaking your fall. However, in life there is not always flowers, sometimes rock and hard ground would test the hardness that we have within us.

I saw a fall yesterday, I do not know how bad the fall is for Mr Humpty Dumpty. All the King's knights and men (friends) came rushing to him. At this point, they are merely in the beginning of putting him back together. Success? Failure? No one knows for sure...

I tried, I really tried to hold up Mr Humpty Dumpty, but I just could not hold him up. In the end, even the knight had to fall and break. Sleepless nights, lost of hope and shattering of what ever foundations I have left.

How could this be? How could a knight fail and shatter like that? Maybe he is not worth being called "Sir" maybe he should be brought down to a mere slave... A slave of circumstances...

Are we Knights or Slaves?
Are we Sure or Uncertain?
Are we Stedfast or Shattered?

You Decide...

Lieutenant Timothy Chan or Unnamed Slave?
Boys' Brigade 2nd Subang Jaya

1 comment:

GobloKing said...

you may not have put Humpty dumpty together again but do not give up !

There are many HD in this world, and sometimes we find those HD with a little crack we can help mend, and then there are those with a whole lot of crazy cracks we can never finish mending.. but it is people like you who will make a little bit of good difference in the lives of all the humpty dumpties we all know...and ARE!!

Keep on..Keep strong!